Friday, April 29, 2016



Thursday, April 21, 2016

What is BMI, ACAP and SESAC?

What is BMI?

Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI) is one of three United States performing rights organizations, along with ASCAP and SESAC. It collects license fees on behalf of songwriters, composers, and music publishers and distributes them as royalties to those members whose works have been performed. In FY 2013, BMI collected more than $944 million in licensing fees and distributed $814 million in royalties.

BMI songwriters create all forms of music in all genres, from mainstream pop and country, to death metal. BMI represents artists such as Mariah Carey, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Eminem, Rihanna and Shakira; bands as diverse as Maroon 5, Evanescence, Nickelback, Linkin Park and Death; legends such as Sam Cooke, Willie Nelson, Fats Domino and Dolly Parton; as well as composers such as Kevin Keller, Harry Gregson-Williams, John Williams and Danny Elfman and musical songwriters Richard & Robert Sherman.

What is ASCAP?

The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP), is a membership association of more than 500,000 US composers, songwriters, lyricists and music publishers of every kind of music. ASCAP is the only US performing rights organization created and controlled by composers, songwriters and music publishers, with a Board of Directors elected by and from memberships.

ASCAP protects the rights of it's members by licensing and distributing royalities for the non-dramatic public performances of their copyrighted works. ASCAP is committed to nuturing it's music makers throughout their careers.  Members are creative people who write the music and lyrics that enrich lives all over the world.  Great names in American music are members- from Duke Ellington to Katy Perry, Marc Anthony, Jay-Z, Beyonce', Leonard Bernstein, George Gershwin and thousands more.

Both ASCAP and BMI operate on a not-for-profit basis. ASCAP and BMI distribute all income from performance royalities to their composer and publisher affiliates (less an adminstrative fee).

What is SESAC?

Originally the Society of European Stage Authors and Composers (SESAC) is the smallest of the performance rights organizations in the US.  It's the second oldest in the performing rights organization (PRO) in the US. It is based in Nashville, Tennessee and is the fastest-growing PRO in the US. It also has offices in New York City, Los Angeles, London, Altlanta and Miami. SESAC deals with all aspects of the business, from creation to licensing and administration. SESAC retains some income as profit. It retains an undisclosed amount of performance royality income. SESAC does not offer open membership, you must be approved to join, this is a unique feature among the U.S. performing rights organizations.

If you're an artist with BMI or ASCAP and would like your music to air on 
AUMA GLOBAL'S Top 5 on  on AUMA RADIO please submit up to 2 MP3 formatted tracks, a bio and 2 photos for review to

If you would like to get ASCAP or BMI please respond to this email and you will be directed accordingly.

AUMA GLOBAL also works with stations that do not require that you receive royalities for your music. However, realistically, why would you not want to receive royalities. Either way, I will acccept tracks so please specify when submitting them.

Thanks in advance.
Let's get it Indie world!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Women in Radio

This is the week!! Big things are taking place this week for ALLLLLL men and women in this vast industry! It's radio week! Thanks to Georgia Legislature, we are now able to simply empower ourselves further by networking, celebrating and connecting as we recognize HR681, April 21-25 !! All of the networking possible will be taking place in 2 great locations..... Backstage Atlanta, Thursday (4/21) & Saturday (4/23) as we recognize, once again, Women in Radio Clayton County International Park!! Join us at both locations and meet some very incredible special guests, as many awesome announcements will be made!! Some phenomenal guests will be at both of these venues! DJ's, Program and Music Directors, Producers, Station Owners, On Air Personalities, News Directors, GM's and so many many other radio industry individuals, will be amongst us! We are all excited, marking our one year anniversary of HR681! And let's not forget "The Fabulous Five" will be there!! We'll see you there!

Friday, April 15, 2016

Piles in Macon



Do you love Fashion, Music, and Art? Apply for a AUMA Global Inc internship today to join the team of one of Atlanta's premier events company. Learn the Business, Get Connected, Discover New Talent and Meet Interesting People.

Various Positions available including:

·  Street Team
·  Contributing Photographer
·  Contributing Writer
·  Contributing Videographer
·  Online Promotions
·  Publishing Assistant

Internships also open to applicants outside of Atlanta as well. 
Apply now, email or call 678.667.2862

Thursday, April 14, 2016

7 Different Ways To Make Money As A Musician

7 Different Ways To Make Money As A Musician
Making money as a solo musician, singer, or band can be challenging but it's not impossible. With hard work and of course skill you can find yourself in a comfortable position working for yourself or with your band. Here are just a few of the ways for you or your band to make money creating and performing music.

1. Performing at shows:
People want to see and get a great experience from a performance. This means if you already have music that's really good, you can take the next step of putting together a show, working with a venue, or creating your own venue.
Show prices for a new group/artist can range from donation to $10. The next step is incorporating things such as merchandise into every performance for additional earnings.

2. Touring:
Once you've put together a great show, take it out on the road. This way you can increase your fan base and get a great experience out of it. It's your regular show earnings multiplied! One thing to keep in mind is that touring can be pricey, but I will add something about that and low budget traveling in another hub.

3. Songwriting:
Many singers and groups collaborate with other writers or are looking for songs that are already written so this would be a great opportunity for songwriter to begin making some money. Go to open mics, showcases and the like to start meeting artists. Many times they will be willing if not looking for someone to work with on writing.

4. Producing:
Singers often have a hard time finding "just the right sound." I do not produce, but I have worked with many artists in studio and the amount of creative genius I have seen when a producer works with a talented artist is unparalleled. Prices should vary according to each situation, but remember to not cheat yourself.
Another route is working with your average Joe. Sometimes people are moved to write lyrics and are looking for the perfect music to it but cannot create it themselves. Here is a great opportunity to not only make some money, but also to have a new fan!

5. Studio Work:
There is always work to do in the studio whether it be background vocals, standing in as a studio or session musician for special recording projects. These rates can range from $50 flat to $500 flat. Hourly rates can also be charged. Depending on who and what it is for, a good estimate of what you can make would be between $35/hr - $100/hour. Then you'll have the rest of the day to go out and make some more money!

6. Busking:
Street performing is fun and you can really make money doing it. A few things to remember are; be courteous to other performers, bring food and water for yourself. Do have somewhere to put your earnings. Do check the weather so you can be prepared for the elements. Remain happy - Being angry about a slow day does not make people want to give you their hard earned money. Do bring your merchandise if you have some. You can make $0- $$$ in a day.

7. Merchandise:
Anything of yours that someone can buy from you is great to have. Start with the basics like a CD, QR code and download link. Tshirts are also great. Have these items available where ever you go. Have them at an online store, have physical copies at your shows, bring them when you busk. Order these items from places like

Lastly, ALWAYS have your business card with you! This is essential as you will never know when you will need it. Carry a few with you like you do your ID. It may open the door to your next opportunity to make money!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016



Are YOU SERIOUS about becoming a 

Have You GOT WHAT IT TAKES to be signed to a 

Don't get me wrong!
You face set-backs, disappointment and rejection on a daily basis!
HOWEVER, if you have the 
to SUCCEED in the modeling industry then 

Sunday, June 18, 2016 
2.00pm - 6.00pm
1581 Phoenix Blvd
Atlanta, GA 30349

Junior Division: 6-10 years
Young Division: 11-16 years
Senior Division: 17-30 years

Males & Female Models
Beginners Welcomed!
No Size Restriction

PLEASE NOTE: All Models 18 years and under will be required to obtain permission and consent from parent/guardian and need to be accompanied by said parent. 

Casting Fee: 
Just $25 in advance which include head shoot and measurement.  



Sunday, April 10, 2016


                          WE LABLE TEENS 

A lot of people think that teens are up to no good?

They called us slackers, disrespectful and selfish.

They think we’re juvenile delinquents!


THE Choice IS YOUR? 

5 Tips to Improve Your Email Marketing List

We all know that building a large email list is an important tool in a marketer’s arsenal. But it’s easy to forget that size isn’t all that matters; the health of your list might be more valuable than your number of subscribers.

If you want to increase your open rate and more effectively engage your subscribers, then click to read our Academy post, 5 Tips to Improve the Health of Your Email Marketing List.




I lost Nineteen again today.  Abandoning himself to that wasteland we offhandedly call ‘the system’, he just walked away – casually  – like it was no big deal.  Some claim I shouldn’t say I lost him, though, considering what I do.  While I am a Black woman, I am also the person appointed to balance the books, which means, that, on this particular day, I am the one sending Nineteen to jail.
I am a judge in an inner-ring suburb, a place where middle-class stability stands in the shadow of urban distractions.  Here, Black, male and Nineteen is required to face the same dilemma every day; “Do I work and wait like momma said, or join the party down the street?”  Forced to choose before the calm sets in, Nineteen picks the wrong one.  Next thing you know, he’s standing before me, wondering what all the fuss is about.

It’s important to know that I am a municipal judge. Handling minor matters, I deal with assault, drug possession and carrying a concealed weapon charges.  Unfortunately, the size of the cases I see occasionally confuses Nineteen.  He views his mistake as a little thing that doesn’t warrant much concern.  I, on the other hand, see it as a small down payment on an incredible cultural cost.  “What’s with making me look for a job?” he asks.  “Why do I have to go back to school in order to stay out of jail?”  I’m fighting to keep the boy from becoming a statistic, and he doesn’t even care. So I plead, not for Nineteen to obey the law, but for him to do right by me.

“You owe every Black woman who cares for you an obligation you won’t be able to repay if you’re working off some ill-gotten debt to a society you don’t owe,’ I tell him. Some listen.  Most don’t.  My successes are few; I decide to give up at least once a week.  But I keep pressing because I don’t want to leave stranded the few I do manage to help. Those wins notwithstanding, my frustrations remain.
Just yesterday, one asked me to stop bothering him.  “You’re not my mother,” he said. “Why are you messing with me?  Just let me do my time.” Lots of them, in fact, ask me to leave them alone.  They tell me, “It ain’t no thing.”  But, more often than not, the phrase that I hear is the chilling “I can jail.”
Of course, I know I only see the problems.  Nineteen represents himself, well, in large numbers everywhere.  I have seven I claim outright, you know – not currently Nineteen – but Black and male.  One I married; four came with him, and two I produced on my own.  The older ones have already been Nineteen.  They’ve had their troubles, but they’re all okay now.  The ones I made myself, however, are still young; they have a lot to learn.

Living well in a world that does not always see your clearly is a difficult thing to do.  My boys must be able to ignore those who ridicule their efforts to do well in school while remaining strong even among those who find that strength intimidating.  Tough lessons, these, but they must learn them if they are going to do Nineteen the right way.  I don’t want them standing before some judge who may see them as a statistic.  If they mess around and get before the wrong guy, then where will they be?

 Jail, of course, is the answer to that question.  The very same place that I wound up sending Nineteen today.  Frustrated because I can’t fix the world, and Nineteen won’t let me help him live better in it, I shake my head, but must move on.  I have thirty more cases to hear.

“To jail or not to jail?” that is the question.  How hard am I supposed to try without his help? Doesn’t he see how so much of the harm he causes lands right in some sister’s lap? That is why I told Nineteen he owed me. “Consider the sisters in your life,” I say.  “It isn’t always about you”.  Then I remind him that, whether or not he understands it, when you jail, we do to.

Become a Part of the future generation of Radio today!

Become a Part of the future generation of Radio today! 
Program Director(s) – We are seeking individuals who will assist with the programming of our stations. Responsible for the entire on-air product, the PD governs the sound of the stations. Responsibilities included content preparation, working with show producers and overseeing scheduling.
Hosts/Co-hosts – Have a great personality? Want to have your voice heard by the world? Then this opportunity is for you. We are seeking individuals for network shows. Opportunities included hosting your own show or co-hosting a show. General responsibilities include interviewing, networking, show preparation and working closely with your production team.
Promo Reps/ Ambassador – We are seeking individuals who love to network, attend events or just party! This position does not require any specific skills and does not have huge responsibilities. You mainly need to tell everyone you know and meet about AUMA while enjoying being a part of an exciting team!
Marketing/Promotions Coordinators – These position(s) are designed to work closely with our marketing and promotions division. The general responsibility is to assist in the coordinating and implementation of our marketing and promotions campaigns per project (shows/events). MPC's work with AUMA Reps, however, their positioning has more specific tasks which are determined per genre, channel or show assigned to.
Project Coordinator(s) – Works with the Project Managers to ensure division projects runs smoothly. PC's are assigned to a network project (show or event) and oversee the project from beginning to end. PC's also attend events and work closely with MPC's to ensure their assigned project is a success.
Event Coordinator(s) – Works with the Event Manager on the development and implementation of AUMA events, contests, etc. in which the network creates or will be involved in.
Music Director(s) – Love Music? This opportunity is best suited for music lovers. This person manages the station's music library and works with the program director in selecting new recordings to be played as they are submitted by artists and record companies. The main responsibility involves listening to music, discovering new music and music placement. These positions are genre-specific. We are seeking multiple music lovers who can assist with one or multiple genre music placement. This position works closely with the Program and Operations Managers.
- Announcers are a radio station's "voice" and are often the people with whom the public identifies. This person introduces programs and music, reads commercial copy and public service announcements, and is involved in the overall public presentation of the station.
Radio Receptionist(s) – is the public face of the station greeting a wide range of visitors including local contributors and listener? Provides general office support with a variety of clerical activities and related tasks. The receptionist will be responsible for answering incoming calls. This position is ideal for understanding all the aspects of how a station operates.
Radio Station Manager(s) - ensure the smooth daily operation. On a day-to-day basis, a RSM must supervise and coordinate the schedules, workflow, and responsibilities of various departments and providing communication. RSM are also responsible for the success and profitability of the Station and must have enough technical knowledge to understand the operation of all station equipment.
Editor - The person who edits footage and pictures taken by the AUMA crew. AUMA editors work with producers,
Other Positions Available
Studio Engineers
Field Reporters
Content Writers

Graphic Designer 

Thursday, April 7, 2016


The S.T.A.R.S RADIO READY SHOWCASE. S.T.A.R.S stands for Student Trying to Archive Respect and Success; in an effort to help preteens and teens, traumatized by gangs, drugs or community violence.  S.T.A.R.S helps provide programs that find creative ways to teach children and youths how to live in diverse and peaceful in the communities. While creating hope and dreams, the programs teach the children and youth how to resolve conflict and prevent future violence. Our premise is very simple: we provide positive activities and role models to help the youth of our community gain essential life skills. We are committed to building positive self-worth and promoting a sense of accomplishment by engaging in fun and competitive activities.

The pressures of drugs and alcohol, peer pressure, gang activities, teen pregnancy, school and home life can be the cause of serious problems for our children and teens. S.T.A.R.S seeks to aid youth and teens with these issues and others through the help of trained professionals. S.T.A.R.S will also provide youth with readiness and self-help skills that will allow them to use these skills successfully to work in today's business world.

The program process will use music, radio and entertainment as a motivation to children and teens to successfully complete schoolwork and homework and encourages positive behavior and in developing good character. Family involvement is a strong component of the program, which will allow for constructive, continuing interaction of parents and children.
We are planning a youth initiative to fight against teen suicide and teen domestic violence. We would love to hold our event at the West End Mall in June day TBA from 2pm to 6pm. A.U.M.A Global is a not for profit 501 c 3 organization will be presenting this event. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me at (678) 667-AAUMA (2862) or by email  If your child or teen, would like to perform. Please check out our website


Wednesday, April 6, 2016



A GOOD LEADER is proud of themselves he or she respects themselves and others. He or she is aware of who they are. He or She neither seeks definition from the person He or She is with, nor do they expect them to read their mind. A GOOD leader is quite capable of articulating their needs.

A GOOD LEADER is hopeful, and strong enough to make all their dreams
come true. He or She knows love; therefore, He or She gives love. He or She recognizes that love has great value and must be reciprocated

A GOOD LEADER has a dash of inspiration and a dabble of endurance. He or She knows that they will, at times, have to inspire others to reach the
Potential goal God gave them. A GOOD LEADER knows their past, understands their Present and moves toward the future.

A GOOD LEADER knows God. He or She knows that with
God all things are possible if you believe
but without God nothing is possible

A GOOD LEADER does not live in fear of the future because of their past.
Instead, He or She understands that their life experiences are merely lessons
Meant to bring them closer to self‑knowledge and unconditional self-love.



A.U.M.A DJS is known as the voice of the unsigned and the premier website for the latest and hottest music. We have service the DJ community and now serving artists and producers.  A.U.M.A DJS for DJ music because our staff are working DJs just like you. We have always been servicing DJs with the latest club hits, remixes, party breaks, and DJ tools. Our onlinel record pool service gives you access to multiple versions of tracks when available (clean, dirty, instrumental, acappella), consistent file names and volume levels, full traditional ID3 tags (artist, title, BPM) without extra junk tags Stop wasting your time now and let us do the work while you focus on planning your next set. The cost of our subscription is minimal considering that we have a full-time staff working with record labels and remixers to obtain new releases and exclusives for your use. As you can see we are constantly adding new tracks, blends, and remixes made specifically for the DJs.  Sooner than later, you'll see our tracks floating around those other services, however to ensure the quality of the files, why not come directly to the legit source? No other service will have all of this and we're adding more and more features everyday. Subscribe now!

Are you looking for files from a clean source? Need instrumentals and acappella? Look no further. We're here to help you make that next great hit/remix/mixtape. A.U.M.A GLOBAL service caters to everyone in the music industry. We are here to assist DJs in getting the latest music to play at their events. Producers like yourself play a big part since you most likely (i) are a DJ as yourself, or (ii) create those sick blends/breaks/remixes. The producer is the next logical step for most DJs, and similar to DJs, you care about things like consistency, quality, availability, and creativity. The A.U.M.A GLOBAL service delivers like no other. We go through each track and make sure everything is on point so you can spend your time being creative and worrying less about what virus you're going to catch from the internet. Our staff is constantly updating the site as we aim to get every single available version of the tracks we list in our library. As soon as we get new versions or higher quality files, we update our service and notify you. A majority of our tracks do have these versions, but if there's something you can't find then let us know.

Online Station
Do you got a fancy title as a music director, program director, or on-air personality? Then add your station to our A.U.M.A GLOBAL affiliated listing. If you're a big station or even a medium sized station, you most likely get a lot of music already. If you work at a small station, have a satellite radio or internet radio show, our service is definitely right for you. Let us help fill in the blanks in your programming. Subscribe and download high quality and consistent files all with one easy to use interface. We also double check "clean" files for explicit content, and create clean files ourselves whenever possible. It also can't hurt to pick up our exclusive remixes to add variety and exclusivity to your programming.

If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't exist. Allow us to host and service your music and we'll make sure you get honest feedback from our DJs.
You also must be register with SESSAC, BMI or ASCAP to be an official to submit music to Georgia Record Pool Coalition We are one of the top record pool online and our audience are DJs. We have an established list that is growing daily of over 1,000 DJs. Imagine if each DJ played your song for only 100 people...if I do my math correctly, that is the sound of your music on the ears of 100,000 individuals. How many DJs do you have on your list? We also do all the work to make it easier for a DJ to play your songs (consistant file naming, complete ID3 tags, exclusive Serato features, and DJ friendly intros/outros). Contact us at the address or email in our company information page, and we'll get you started. Depending on the amount of new music released, we cannot guarantee any timeframe.

Record Label
Since your represent the artist, We know there are thousands of venues to distribute your music to the masses, but what about distribution and feedback from the most important tastemakers in the industry...the DJs. A.U.M.A GLOBAL has over 1,000 customers worldwide and steady growing fast with a mailing list larger than 50,000. We're known as the place to get the hottest tracks and know ALL the A-list DJs.
Contact us at the address or email in our company information page, and we'll get you started. Depending on the amount of new music released, we cannot guarantee any timeframe.

Consumer / Other
If you're in this category, we're sorry that we cannot service you. A.U.M.A GLOBAL is made exclusively for those that are in the music industry. If you are interested in being a DJ, Host or Volunteer check out the with locations in New York, Los Angeles, Washington DC and Miami